Performing Clemma Diggins in Neil Simon's Proposals
“Housekeeper Clemma Diggins (played by Thursday Farrar), narrates the summer she witnessed many years ago. At a lakeside retreat in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, we find the Hines family. Burt (Stewart Gregory), the father, is in failing health and is anxious for a visit with his previous wife, Annie Robbins (Paige Posey).
Their daughter, Josie (Katie Barton), is not happy with the arrival of her mother, whose behavior Josie finds self-centered and manipulative. To complicate matters, Josie, who recently broke off her engagement with Ken (Grayson Powell), has three lovesick guys on her trail.We see the play as a full reflection of the white family Clemma (who is African American) worked for, rather than aspects of the challenges she faced just before the civil rights movement.
Regardless, Farrar gives a wonderful, passion-filled performance. Some of the best scenes include Farrar and Dathan B. Williams, who plays Lewis Barnett, the husband who left Clemma years ago. Together, their heartwarming storyline unfolds most convincingly.”